China Warns External Interference from their Possible Invasion of Taiwan

The US continues to meddle in the China-Taiwan conflict. This situation must be dealt with delicately, and the US should not interfere. Conservative anger towards the US involvement in this conflict is justified.

Our government can’t help but meddle in other countries’ affairs… and the China-Taiwan conflict is no different.

US Continues to Meddle in China-Taiwan Conflict

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a bill to give Taiwan $4.5 billion. The legislation intends to provide assistance over the next four years… and designate the island as a non-NATO ally.

Dem Senator Bob Menendez believes the bill would clear America’s commitment to Taiwan. It would restrain China from threatening a military or economic takeover.

Menendez said, “The bill we are approving today makes clear the United States does not seek war… or increased tensions with Beijing. Just the opposite. We are carefully and strategically lowering the existential threats facing Taiwan. [This is] by raising the cost of taking the island by force so that it becomes too high a risk and unachievable.”

The demo-rat added, “As Beijing continues to take coercive diplomatic, political, military and economic measures against Taiwan… today’s strong, bipartisan vote not only signals our unwavering support for the Taiwanese people… but our recognition of the pivotal role that the United States Congress must play in confronting these challenges.”

However, approving new funding to Taiwan could escalate tensions with China even further…

Defense experts shared on Fox that any conflict between the US and China would prove costly for both sides. James Anderson, the acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, also noted that the Sea of Japan could also serve as the flashpoint for conflict with China. He said, “If you were to rank them, I would put Taiwan, first, South China Sea second, the Senkaku Islands third, and then elsewhere in the world.”

Anderson also emphasized China’s firepower and weaponry. He added, “What is especially concerning to the United States and its allies are ballistic missiles. China is probably ahead of us with hypersonic weaponry… [which could allow China to hit jet carriers and other surface ships hard and fast].”

China Warns that They Won’t Tolerate External Interference

China puts more emphasis on its commitment to claim Taiwan. They told world leaders that anyone who gets in the way is “crushed by the wheels of history.”

China‘s foreign minister, Wang Yi, announced at the UN General Assembly that they would take aggressive steps against any interference. He said, “Only when China is fully reunified can there be true peace across the Taiwan Strait. [Beijing] would take the most forceful steps to oppose external interference.”

Then he added, “The PRC government is the sole government representing all of China. The one-China principle has become a basic norm in international relations. Any move obstructing China’s reunification is bound to be crushed by the wheels of history.”

Unfortunately, all of the dem’s efforts of meddling with the China-Taiwan conflict only agitated China to put their guards up. The liberals could’ve focused more on problems within our range, such as our borders.

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